Saturday, 18 August 2012

Yahoo! Vacay Vacay!!!

Finally! My leave form was approved! Whew! I was able to haggle for a 3-week vacation and I am so ecstatic! Woot woot!

It’s always a challenge to set a date for my vacation because there are many months where I cannot be away from work. I am super thankful that I have the signed leave form now so I can start planning. Last year’s vacation was quite stressful because we got married. Almost 75% of our time was spent on finalizing the details for our wedding. This time, I am pretty sure that EVERY SINGLE DAY will be devoted for VACATION!  I just wish the weather will not be stubborn and help us enjoy our precious days in Pinas hehehe.

I hope that I can stay focused on work too. My mind tends to wander knowing that it’s only a few weeks before we get to see our families back home. Oh and another thing, I can’t stop thinking about all sorts of FOOD that we will eat. Jollibee I miss you so bad! Hahaha! My husband is so excited too! Okay let’s start doing the itinerary!
